Monday, July 28, 2008

July Ride & Race News

The Sunday, July 20th ride was a good time as we explored some nice roads around the Anamosa, Maquoketa and Bellevue area. We stopped by the J & P Cycles store on our way, we were closely watched while there since we represented the rough side of cycle riders! After the ride, we made it back in time to get together with a small group at L.J.’s to watch the MotoGP race later that day.

Saturday, July 26th Troy and I headed over to Blackhawk Farms to get some track time in racing with the MidWest region crew. It was a very nice day and we both had good race results with no issues!! Troy ran 3 races , I ran in 2...
Thunderbike - Troy - 5th / Ralph - 7th
Lightweight Formula 40 - Troy - 4th / Ralph - 5th
SuperTwins - Troy - 7th

If you’re still looking for a track day this summer, there is one coming up at Mid America, August 2nd & 3rd. If interested, check out for more details.

Monday, July 14, 2008

F.A.S.T. guys at Newton's NESBA track day

Andy Miehe, my son C.A. & I went to the Sunday track day in Newton on June 29th. C.A. raced a CBR 600 when they lived in Portland, OR. and had an expert license. He now lives in Florida and no longer competes but does frequent track days at Jennings in northern Florida on his Aprilia SV1000 and 675 Triumph. He rode Andy's SV650 and my DRZ400SM in intermediate sessions and Andy & I rode novice. It rained in the morning and we didn't get out on the track until 10:00 AM.

Nice folks, easy tech and we kept dry in the covered pit garage during the rain. Track was tight, perfect for my 400 single! We had a good time and all picked up speed and lower lap times by days end.

I'd go again, easy drive down, friendly NESBA folks.

Ride safe...

Mark Clark